Judge Moore saves Boone County tax money on Hawaii vacation!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hallelujah!! Both Moores (Twiddle Dee and Tweedle Dumb) Now Have Primary Opponents!!

The KY Enquirer is reporting that a James Bozman has filed to oust Commissioner Terri Moore. This news along with the earlier announcement by Cathy Flaig is better than Christmas and New Years for the Boone County taxpayers! Bozman, a political newcomer, has come out of the gate swinging by blasting Moore for her park tax support and voting for property tax hikes the last 2 years. Moore fired back by reaffirming her support for the park tax - Moore said the parks tax, which was defeated 2-to-1 at the polls, would likely have been passed by Fiscal Court. And here is the best part - Moore criticized her opponent's proposal to lower the tax rate below 10 cents per $100 of assessed value. The current rate is 10.2 cents."I don't think that's responsible leadership," she said. "The expenses have doubled since I took office." Then Commissioner Moore released the above video explaining her personal philosophy and convictions that she has always relied on when dealing with financial issues.

1 comment:

GOP said...

Let's have some fun with an Teri Moore poll Question!

Judge Moore has a little trouble with math!